Dragon quest tact guide
Dragon quest tact guide

dragon quest tact guide dragon quest tact guide

His slime powers also influence his MP regeneration, which is important for his spell-based skills. In this regard, this leader can also serve as an excellent supporter due to his healing ability, which can be applied to all allies at once. This monster's slime power combines spell power that boosts the attacking damage of allies and physical power that increases Slime Emperor's own durability and resistances. The two best weapons for Killer Machine are: In case Killer Machine focuses on a single target, then he can deal massive 270% damage using his slashing attack. It also means that your team must predominantly consist of physical monsters, or his skills won't be too effective. This robot has an ability to attack enemies in all surrounding blocks, and also boost the physical power of his allies within 5x5 blocks. If you prefer physical damage to that of magical, then the best choice of leader would be Killer Machine.

dragon quest tact guide

He uses a lot of MP on his spells, but as soon as he reaches the first stage of Awakening, he will start producing extra MP to support his spell abilities. Wight King is predominantly a long-range attacker with high damage that can wipe out multiple enemies at a time depending on his position. This zombie king is clearly the best leader in the game, especially for spell-based teams, due to his spell power boost. Not all monsters from the original Japanese version have made it into the global release yet, but there are still some amazing leaders to choose from that can carry your whole team to the victorious finish.

Dragon quest tact guide